1. Statistics is the study of _____________. A. Testing and interpreting statistical hypotheses about a relationship B. Mathematical analysis using samples instead of populations C. Summarizing, analyzing, or drawing inferences about a relationship D. Inferring something about a population from a sample 2. Which of the following is not a variable? A. Personal fantasies B. The final score of the Yankees game on 10/17/09 C. Body temperatures of people who are NOT sick D. Age 3. Why is it important to record demographics? A. Different populations act differently B. The IRB mandates it for studies conducted C. Theres no way to tell if youre measuring a consistent estimator D. Theres no way to tell if youre measuring a sufficient estimator 4. How is an ordinal variable more detailed than a nominal variable? A. The distance between the categories is equal B. 0 means the total absence of the variable C. The categories are qualitative groupings D. The categories possess value 5. How is a ratio variable more detailed than an interval variable? A. 0 means the total absence of the variable B. The categories are qualitative groupings C. The categories possess value D. The distance between the categories is equal 6. What kind of variable is a persons height? A. Discrete B. Continuous C. Ungrouped D. Grouped 7. In a positively skewed distribution, ____________. A. The bulk of the scores are on the left side B. The bulk of the scores are on the right side 8. Kurtosis is the measure of ______________. A. The amount that the peak is shifted positively or negatively B. The shape of the distributions peak 1 C. Whether the distribution has enough scores (N) D. The cumulative relative frequency 9. The mode is an especially poor choice of measuring central tendency when ___________. A. The distribution is bimodal B. The distribution is heavily positively skewed C. The distribution is skewed to the left D. The distribution is a normal curve 10. The median is a better choice of measuring central tendency than the mean when _____________. A. The distribution is bimodal B. The distribution is heavily positively skewed C. The distribution is skewed to the left D. The distribution is a normal curve 11. The sum of deviations [ Summation (X-Xbar)] is always equal to ____________. A. The mean B. The median C. 0 D. Its possible for it to be different every time 12. In which of the following situations would just providing the mean without also providing variability be bad? A. Mean number of meters a guided missile lands from the target but not variability B. Mean amount of IQ increase seen in children in a single year but not variability C. Mean number of crimes committed by a demographic but not variability D. All of the above 13. ___________ is the measure of variability most affected by outlier scores. A. Range B. Interquartile range C. Variance D. Standard deviation 14. When calculating variance for a sample, we use the following formula:Sum of Squares / (N-1)What benefit is there to subtracting 1? A. Makes sure studies cannot be done with case studies (N=1) B. The lower the number of participants, the more the -1 increases sample variability C. If we dont subtract 1, the sum of deviations wont equal 0 D. Subtracting 1 makes the distribution appear more normal 15. Why do we use standard deviation instead of variance? A. Standard deviation takes into account the N of the sample B. Standard deviation is less susceptible to outlier scores than the variance. 2 C. Standard deviation has the same scale of measurement as the mean D. Standard deviation takes into account degrees of freedom of the sample 16. Which of the following is not a requirement of a perfect normal distribution? A. Identical mean, median, and mode B. Asymptotic distribution C. Has a standard deviation of 1. D. Has range of negative infinity to positive infinity 17. Which of the following is not true of standard normal distributions? A. Standard deviation = 1 B. Mean = 0 C. Easier to compare values across variables D. Converting scores to a standard normal distribution turns the distribution into a perfect normal distribution 18. If I were to look at the scores on a test from a single classroom and assume the findings apply to the whole school, I would be using ___________. A. Descriptive statistics B. Inferential statistics C. Sample statistics D. Population statistics 19. Which of these is the worst type of sampling? A. Snowball sampling B. Convenience sampling C. Random sampling D. Stratified random sampling 20. Why isnt random sampling as good as stratified random sampling? A. Random sampling does not give everyone an equal chance of participation B. Random sampling is not independent C. In random sampling you run the risk of asking both the old grandma at the grocery store as well as the grandpa shes with D. Random sampling doesnt guarantee representativeness 21. __________ is when you accept the null hypothesis when its false. A. Type 1 Error B. Type 2 Error C. H0 Error D. H1 Error 22. Correlation refers to______________________. A. the causal relationship between two variables. 3 B. the association between two variables. C. the proportion of variance that two variables share. D. a statistical method that can only be used with a correlational research design. 23. If two variables are highly correlated, what do you know? A. They always go together B. High values on one variable lead to high values on the other variable C. There are no other variables responsible for the relationship D. Changes in one variable are accompanied by predictable changes in the other 24. (4pts) Please follow the instructions on the attached page for finding the mean, median, and mode for the attached data. Provide your SPSS output with the median, median, and mode highlighted. Which of these measures of central tendency is the best answer for the problem? Why? 25. (2pts) Using the provided data set, assess the relationship between the variables in the attached data. Please provide your SPSS output with your exam submission. What type of relationship exists between the two variables? How do you know? For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: On-time delivery guarantee PhD-level writers Automatic plagiarism check 100% money-back guarantee 100% Privacy and Confidentiality High Quality custom-written papers
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