Big Data SMART Strategy Panel Content Academic Essay

EMR Project, Part 1 Big Data and Data AnalyticsUsing Padlet or PowerPoint, apply the SMART model to your unitCreate a SMART strategy board, using Padlet or PowerpointFor each panel in the SMART strategy board (except the purpose panel), identify a small number ofSMART questions (25) that can be used to link big data with your departments strategic goals orvisionRefer to the following website for examples of items to consider for each panel: panelCustomer panelOperations panelResource panelFinance panelCompetition and risk panelEMR Project, Part 2 and 3 Workflow Analysis(Swimlane Diagram 2 @ 10 pts)Workflow Processes and FlowchartsIdentify a workflow in your department that needs optimization and includes EMR documentationCreate a one?page swimlane flowchart/diagram of the workflow current state (10 pts) and a one?pageswimlane flowchart of the future state (10 pts)You may choose the software/technology to design the workflow diagram. Students must save andsubmit the document in a format that allows the instructor to open the document with ease (e.g.,PowerPoint, Google app tool, or other flowchart software that can be saved as a PDF)Grading Rubric for Workflow Analysis Flowchart/DiagramUses shapes to flow out the processCircle = start/finish of processSquare = process: who does whatWho: SubjectDoes: VerbWhat: ObjectDecision diamonds = yes/no?? decision diamonds represent key choices or decisions in the process 2.5ptsFlowchart allows the reviewer to easily understand the process and key decisions 2.5 ptsTotal 5 pts Background information: Marr is the premier expert on Big Data and literally wrote the book students are to consider their departments/units vision. What data will they need to examinewhere they are today and where they want to go in the future. The Big Data SMART StrategyBoard/Panel helps them to clarify SMART questions for each of the panels. The questions help tofocus their efforts on the right data, the SMART data to answer the questions. Basically, data can beendless. Thus, using the SMART Strategy, nurses can more efficiently identify most important dataneeded to achieve their departments or organizations strategic goals and vision.Here are the key items that are addressed in the respective panels. I have an example done inPowerPoint and Padlet. I pretended that I ran a progressive care unit. Our strategic goal was toachieve the coveted Beacon Award. Thus, all of my SMART Questions aligned with this purpose andvision. See examples in the folder.

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