Building a theoretical framework

1 Discussion Indicative word count of this section: 3,000 words The task of this chapter is to enable you to reach your conclusions (Evans, Gruba & Zobel 2011, p.170). The Discussion chapter contains more than a simple discussion: it also contains interpretation and evaluation of the results with reference to the literature. This chapter can also include the building of new theory (i.e. a theoretical framework). Organise the chapter in terms of the objectives of the study, i.e. in the same alignment as the Results chapter. For each objective, discuss the results with reference to the literature. In other words, look for correlations and contradictions between the theory and the results. Develop new theory or models from your comparison and evaluation. Make as many cross-references to your literature as you can. This shows connectivity and integration. If you have a section of literature that does not link into this chapter, consider whether that literature is helpful or relevant to your argument, in which case you should which delete or replace it It is vital that you show that your research outcomes (conclusions) are strongly connected to the theory as presented in your literature review, and supporting with the solid reasoning or justification that you provide in this chapter. Write this chapter in the present tense. Below is a sample structure that you can use if you find it helpful (Rudestam & Newton 2001, p.121) 1 An overview of the significant findings of the study 2 A consideration of the findings in light of existing research studies 3 Implications of the study for current theory 4 A careful examination of findings that fail to support or only partly support the hypothesis outlined in the study 5 Limitations of the study that may affect the validity or the generalisability of the results 6 Implications of the study for professional practice or applied settings For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: On-time delivery guarantee PhD-level writers Automatic plagiarism check 100% money-back guarantee 100% Privacy and Confidentiality High Quality custom-written papers

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