BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan Academic Essay

BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan Duo Time: 27/06/2016 Group mumber: Peng Yip, Season, Edward?¦?KA TSZ Ng?¦? Instructor?¦? Eve Lok Table of Contents 1, BBQfuns operational plan-3 Research resource requirements for implementation of e-commerce strategy5 3.Action plan template6 4.Develop7 Risk must include-8 6.budgets, operatopnal plan9 1, BBQfuns operational plan BBQfuns operational plan is that engaging with our clientele thorough research?¦ personalised and marketing. We need making reputation for quality products and quality customer service like rising organisational profile. A, The policy related to BBQfun are recruitment, consumer law, Health and safety legislation, induction policy, workplace relations legislation, performance management policy and procurement policy. B, Recruitment and induction policy and procedures, performance management policy, procedures Recruitment and induction policy and procedures: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the recruitment and selection of employees. BBQfun aims to attract and employ the most suitable person for the positon who will support the organisations values, culture and goals in order to achieve its strategic directions. performance management policy, procedures: The purpose of this policy is to ensure performance management is carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with organisational requirements. The scope of this policy covers the performance management process by employees and contractors of BBQfun. Tpecific procedures for the implementation of this policy are on the company intranet. relevant legislation privacy Act 1988(Cwlth) Income Tax Assessment Act 1997(Cwlth) Superannuation Guarantee (Administration)Act 1992 (Cwlth) Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991(Qid) Fair work Act 2009(Cwlth) AS ISO 15489.1 2002 Records Management. Types of operational plans: C, Role of operational KPIs, measurement, implementation KPIs: output or operational input or managerial Production and manufacctring, Human resources, Processes, Distribution, Location and facilities, Equipment 2. Research resource requirements for implementation of e-commerce strategy. We help Transform businesses with truly innovative e-commerce implementations that consider all relevant factors the specific niche, target clientele, brand image, product positioning and overall growth strategy, among others so our clients can take a quantum leap forward in terms of growth, sales and market share. Help you select an optimum e-commerce platform so you get only what you need without wasting money on unnecessary functionalities. Implement an e-commerce solution that is fully in line with your overall business strategy. Ensure that your brand message is consistent regardless of the customer touch point, be it web, mobile, social media, print, or other media. Contextualize your product offerings for each individual visitor to boost sales and deepen customer engagement. BBQ fun e-commerce strategy Eight online sales and customer service people will be needed to manage increased online customers. No current staff have any online customer service skill. Management would like to develop people through re-training rather than hire new staff to handle online sales. E-commerce website will take 50days to develop. Since stores are overstaffed, four of the required customer service staff could be sourced from existing employees at the two stores. Six delivery trucks needed to enable distribution. Three forklifts are needed. Four additional warehouse workers are needed. Six additional drivers are needed. Office space will need to be reconfigured. Cost: e-commerce strategy (initial investment) Total costs $861,000 Cost: e-commerce strategy (ongoing) Total costs $1,680,000 3. Action plan template Milestone: Action and/or objective Date Person responsible Budget or resources Plant and equipment 30 June 2017 Sam Lee Delivery trucks: $50,000??6=$300,000 Forklifts: $10,000??3=$30,000 Promotional costs 1 July 2017 Riz Mehra $300,000 Recruitment 30 June 2016 Les Goodale $30,000 Communication 30 June 2016 Les Goodale Working file Employee data Training staff 30 June 2016 Les Goodale Online customer service training $3,000 per staff member = $24,000 4.Develop performance indicators for operational and financial targets and amend or develop exsting operational plans to include KPIs and financial targets related to ecommerce stategy. Design a strategy that can ensure that physical resources and services are acquired in accordance with the policies, practices and procedures during operational planing in your organization. consult all stakeholders on the nature of the strategy; cultivate and develop allies and supporters of the strategy through the consultation process; focus on the benefits which are being derived from the strategy through talking to and persuading others, and by marketing the benefits of the strategy with concrete examples of how it has helped; check that there is real commitment to the strategy at all levels of the organisation; give regular feedback on the implementation of the plan through employee newsletters, exhibitions etc; where possible, build into the strategy quantifiable outcomes which can be easily monitored and evaluated, so that it is possible to show the effect; make the strategy part of the induction process especially for senior managers. 5. Risk must include: Contingency plan Company name:BBQ Name of person developing the plan:Season Who was consulted as part of this plan? Name: Pat Mifsudposition:CEO Risk identified: Risk Strategies/activities to minimize the risk By when By whom Employee underperformance A good leader always follows up with employees. Give that person asmuch feedback as possible. 25, Sep 2016 Les Goodale Management of intellectual property A Policy on IP Monitoring. A copyright gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time 28, Oct 2016 Pat Mifsud Breach of health and safety compliance responsibilities Set up a employee assistance program(EAP) in place 30, Aug 2016 Kim Chen 6.budgets, operatopnal plan a) There have many type of resourcing here, but basically have 2 type of resourcing here. Plant and equipment like delivery truck and forklifts and human resourcing like website developers, additional worker, 4online staff, 4 warehouse staff, 6 delivery delivers, re-training staff, do not have skill of the online service, because of overstaff 4 stuff from present store customer service?etc. 6.b) Resources Costs Plant and equipment Delivery truck $50,0006=$300,00 Forklifts $10,000??3=$30,000 Website developers $100,000 Warehouse and office reconfiguration $50,000 Human resourcing (additional workers) 4 online staff $ 480,000 4 warehouse staff $480,000 6 delivery drivers $720,000 Human resourcing (re-training staff) $27,000 Human resourcing (do not have any skill of online service) $24,000 Human resourcing (because of overstaffed, 4 staff from present store) Distribution Human resourcing (8 staff of customer service) Increasing sales and customers 6.c) The benefit of the organization is reducing the cost and increases the market share because e-commerce does not need more human resourcing and capital for example, electricity and rent?etc. however, it can increase the qualities of the service and product. Therefore, BBQfun can attract more customers then the sale revenue would increase, the profits will increase also the market share will increase. 6.d) Advertising (TV, new paper, magazines) Discount Built the Business Social network (Facebook, WeChat, Line) 6.e) If the organization do not follow the action plan to implementing, it may impact the business process. In addition, this may cause the costs increasing spend extra wages and the qualities of service and product may decrease. These thing will cause the company make the loss. Overall the action can help the company be success. 6.f) Risks Level of the Risk Solution Poor online sale M Change the other shop location (more popular Search Engine) Customer service quality problem for online customers leading to a breach of consumer law H Re-training Staff to match the consumer law Staff misunderstanding changes and considering online sales as threat to jobs H Re-training Staff Not being able to recruit fully trained online staff M Increase the wages to attract fully trained online staff IP relating to confidential information contained within the e-ecommerce strategy when employees leave the company L Required to sign a confidentiality contract Loss of IP ownership if a relationship with the website developer contract ceases M Find other website developer Not complying with WHS legislation through lack of risk assessment conducted on potential musculoskeletal disorders resulting from poor customer service workstation design L Purchase health insurance for employees Wastage due to overstocking product in anticipation of increased online sales M decrease the selling price or make a discount try to sale overstocking product 9.g) According to research from the website[1]. The e-ecommerce become more popular because time plays an important role to both the business and consumers. The e-ecommerce make more cost effective because company dont need more human resources, Capital?etc. Therefore, low capital make high quality then make more profit. So the company make a faster, easy for the consumers to use the e-ecommerce that would be winner. [1]

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