Assessment task: Critically appraise the tools and techniques used in developing TQM and Six Sigma continuous improvement programs. Identify and briefly discuss a civil construction organization in the United Kingdom that has built total quality culture to realize the full value from TQM or Six Sigma initiatives in their quest for operational excellence. IMPORTANT NOTES: for the coursework Clear layout, title page, contents page, headings and sub-headings, page numbers, and pictures. Notes FOR THE REFERENCING !!! ( 12 reference from trusted websit (UK websites) and 2 references from books, and 2 refernce from journal) YOU MUST DO IN TEXT CITATION NOT BIBLIOGRAPHY !!! i will upload the file that have LECTURE NOTES for THE task word count: 2000-2200 words maximum THE FORMAT OF THE COURSEWORK: 1. Abstract A summary (abstract) of approximately 150 words. This should cover the objectives and conclusions of your submission, and explain its relevance to civil engineering practice. It should not include references, mentions of illustrations or abbreviations. 2. General Make your text as short and concise as possible, excluding anything that is not directly relevant to the subject. Please include any associated safety, environmental or ethical issues. The text should be in the third person, and should be readily understandable by a civil engineer/commercial/construction manager. We do not use footnotes. Finally, please do not refer to the names of individuals, organisations, products or services unless it is essential to understanding your submission (and then only the first time). You should not be gratuitously complimentary or in any way derogatory about any person or organisation. Italicise publication titles, legal cases, vessel names and non-English words (but include a translation); do not use italics for emphasis or quotes. Use bullet points rather than numbers or letters for lists. 3. Figures Your submission should be illustrated with graphs, photographs and/or drawings. To ensure these illustrations (figures) are suitable for publication, they should each be submitted as high-quality (greater than 300dpi). All figures and tables should be numbered in a consecutive sequence (however figures and tables should be numbered as two different sets e.g. Figure 1, Table 1) be referred to in the text have self-explanatory but brief captions, which include the figure / table number. 4. Mathematical equations Please make any equations clear and easy to understand for a civil engineer. Number them in your text and place each one on a new line. Only relevant equations should be shown in the main body of the text any development of an equation should appear, if essential, as an appendix. Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to deliver to you a quality written paper as per your specified instructions. Order Now, and enjoy an amazing discount!!
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