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Each week you will participate in weekly collaborative class discussions by posting comments via the class Db. This is located in Blackboard. Approx 150 words per week. Each post will commence on the day of the Lecture/Tutorial. Within the class Db community you will be expressing ideas, concerns, differing/similar perspectives based on information from lectures and ascribed Readings, references and /or visual images on subject material relating to Aboriginal topical areas. Students should use Harvard referencing where required such as quotes or in support of ideas and concerns.
Assessment will be based on: Discussion Activity: Engaged writing, ideas and content 10%, Post frequency/community 10%, Intellectual engagement with key concepts 10%
Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Engaged writing, ideas & content. 10% Incorrect use of grammar/referencing. No links included connecting your thoughts to those of others.
Entries incomplete. Basic use of grammar/referencing. Entry is unfocused, lacks attention to style. Minimal evidence displayed of engagement of topic. Some entries incomplete. Occasional link is included Adequate use of grammar/ referencing.
Most entries include links. Moderate engagement of topic. Fewer connections are made between ideas. Attempts to synthesise ideas and form new meanings. Strong use of grammar/referencing. All entries contain links. Solid engagement of topic. Entry reveals well read and learned content and constructs new meaning. Excellent use of grammar/referencing Entry is focused and coherently integrates examples with explanation and analysis. Entry demonstrates awareness of its own limitations or implications and it considers multiple perspectives when appropriate. Entries reveal understanding of course content knowledge and use of multiple links.
Post frequency/ community. 10% No evidence of participation in the Db/ course community. Frequency below course expectations. Participation was limited mainly to the Db of others. Adequately met course expectations with basic participation of the Db. The post frequency is above average. Evidence of substantial contribution. The student participated actively in the Db community. Greatly exceeds course expectations.
Intellectual engagement & key concepts. 10% No reference made to Readings or other discussions. No enhancement visible to Db space. Entries make some reference to issues raised through readings & other. Minimal evidence of multimedia enhancement of Db. Primarily text based.
Adequately demonstrates most of the key issues raised. Basic enhanced Db using multimedia. Key issues made evident and linked to readings/activities. Enhanced Db to some extent and above course expectations. Engagement with important issues linked to Readings and/or class activities.. Greatly enhanced Db space using various technologies.
Mark: /30
The question for this week is:
Define the concepts of frontier and dispossession. Identify three characteristics of frontier and dispossession
Please just 150 words + write your ideas and concerns about the topic + at least 2 references using Harvard style.
I will attach the lecture to familiarise your self with the topic.
Recommended reading:
? Massacre of natives : The Aborigines of New Holland / Roger Therry
? The other side of the frontier : Aboriginal resistance to the European invasion of Australia / Henry
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